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Razor vs. Sonia

Fans, tonight we welcome back a fighter who has caused quite a commotion in her absence - or should I say ‘presumed absence’.

Sonia, a former member of the Angels, is fighting in the WCF for the first time since she abandoned her former tag team partner in a match against the deadly Vipers. As we later found out, she then went on to hire the Daughters of Darkness to eliminate her former teammates. We all know how that turned out - or didn’t turn out. And tonight Sonia is seeking payback against Razor - who Sonia believes didn’t finish the job.

But is this really Sonia’s first fight? A vicious rumour making its way around the WCF is that The Red Menace is none other than Sonia. Our reporting team caught up with the red-headed vixen as she made her way to the arena…

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